March Relief Society Meeting - She Wore An Apron

We had a good turn out and such a fun time at this month's Relief Society Birthday Meeting. The theme was "She Wore an Apron" and everyone from the ward was invited to bring quilts, doilies, clothing and other antiques that they made or from their ancestors.

We want to thank everyone involved, especially all those who helped sew the wonderful gift everyone received, their own aprons!

Linda Croft and with the help of others put together a wonderful program that helped us remember all the ways aprons were used and the ancestors stories which they came from.

The Young Women, who had recently finished some quilts of their own, proudly displayed all of their hardwork from this last year and a half.

There are a lot of neat pictures from that night so we put them into a collage, click to enlarge and take a look at all the wonderful heirlooms!


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