Northwood Ward in the News

The Deseret News Thursday, February 18 publication featured a brief article concerning our ward's emergency preparedness seed project.  This item was written and submitted
by Master Gardner Dallas Holmes.   Double thanks to the Wright family for donating the seeds, and to the Holmes family for conceiving and transmitting the article to a proper source.    

 --Linda Croft   

Click the picture to enlarge the article to read, or view the article at the Mormon Times HERE.


This last Enrichment/Relief Societ Meeting was STUFFED with LOVE, among other wonderful things, we want to thank everyone for coming and for the help!!

Sister Croft took these pictures and we thought we would share them with everyone.

Everyone gathered together after being fully STUFFED with a great "STUFF your own Baked Potato Bar".

Amanda Brady gave a great presentation on STUFFING felt play food as toys for kids/grandkids.

Links to felt food how-to's:

Next Holly (Johnson) Evans talked to us about STUFFING our freezer's and our wallets, with tips on premaking dinners. She also talked about the importance of eating dinner together as a family, here is a copy of her flyer below (click to enlarge & print).